
I don't know what got into me, but I started watching Gossip Girl, and I just can't keep watching it anymore. It filled me with anger because all of the characters are stupid, selfish, shallow, spoiled nuts. Wow I didn't even intentionally use alliteration; guess "s" is the go-for sound you make when you are frustrated.

These people are without principles. They are basically animals, driven by the most basic form of desire. Their parents are no better. I wish I never had watched a single episode. Jesus they are worst than my high school folks. 

Seriously, there is no one who is likeable. Seriously. Chuck Bass is my least hated character for now. Since I'm not going to watch it anymore, I guess Chuck Bass will remain to be my least hated character. Once you notice how huge his nostrils are, it's hard to divert your attention. I hate every single one of the others with a passion. Yeah they are high school kids, but they are played by adults, so I just cannot help viewing them as adults who need to take responsibilities. Even with the excuse of being teenagers, they are still a bunch of extremely unlikeable teenagers. 


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